Projekt SI4CARE pokreće Centar kompetencija za društvene inovacije za aktivno i zdravo starenje
SI4CARE project launches the Competence Center for Social Innovations for Active and Healthy Ageing
Social Innovation for integrated health CARE of ageing population in ADRION Regions
Programme: INTERREG V-B Adriatic-Ionian ADRION Programme 2014-2020, 3rd Call for Proposal – Priority Axis 1
Short description, main aims and objectives of the project: The project’s main objective is to contribute to the creation of a transnational effective ecosystem for the social innovation application in integrated healthcare services for the ageing population across ADRION countries, through a joint collaboration network and a unique strategy translated into regional and national action plans, implemented and monitored within pilots, once innovative approaches have been tested and backboned by an ICT decision support system. This objective contributes to the topic social innovation as SI4CARE aims to tackle the needs of ADRION ageing population for long-term healthcare, especially in remote areas, by creating a collaborative environment where it is important to co-design solutions and engage a large transnational community that represents all relevant actors, such as public and private healthcare providers, users and associations, academia and social entrepreneurs, voluntary associations, NGOs, and public authorities.
Project specific objectives:
- Set up a transnational collaborative community for innovative integrated healthcare in the ADRION regions.
- Achieve a unique medium/long-term vision on social innovation for the elderly healthcare system across ADRION regions.
- Combine the best available innovative e-tools and solutions for elderly care in an integrated and smart way for the effective delivery of elderly healthcare and social services in the ADRION regions.
Main results of the project:
- Mobilisation and improved collaboration of stakeholders involved in the elderly care.
- Enhanced competencies of relevant stakeholders involved in the elderly healthcare to deliver services in an effective, integrated and innovative way, and of public administrations in their process of policies and regulations elaboration.
- Improved coordination of the elderly social and healthcare innovation strategies and implementation models across participating regions.
Project partners:
- University of Ljubljana
- Jožef Stefan Institute
- Municipality of Miglierina
- University of Split School of Medicine
- Teaching Institute for Public Health Split-Dalmatia County
- Health Insurance and Reinsurance Institute of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- Public Health Institution „Health Center“ Tivat
- Special hospital for treatment and rehabilitation Merkur
- Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia
Project financing:
Value of the project: € 2,017,373.86
Value of the project for Health Insurance and Reinsurance Institute of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: € 124.998,90
ERDF co-financing: € 106.249,06
Project duration: December 1, 2020 – May 31, 2023 (30 months)
Contact person:
Vlatka Martinović, tel: +387 33 728 701, email: vlatkamartinovich@gmail.com
Amina Pekmez-Medina, tel: +387 33 728 748, email: amina.pekmez@gmail.com
Marija Marković, tel: +387 33 728 749, email: marija82markovic@gmail.com
Dijana Kihli, tel: +387 33 728 739, email: dijana.kihli@gmail.com
More on the official SI4CARE project website:
and on the official SI4CARE project Facebook and LinkedIn accounts: